The day is fast approaching when I go back to hospital for an x-ray to find out if my bone has knitted enough for me to put weight on it again. It’s been nearly two months since I had the accident now, and I’m hoping that I’ll be able to start walking around again sooner rather than later. I don’t want to get my hopes up too much, as I’ve been warned that breaks that have been patched up with as much metal as mine can take longer to heal as blood flow to the area can be restricted by all the screws. I’ve been taking fish oil tablets (found in a cupboard in the kitchen, and only slightly out of date…but can fish oil really go off??), thus hopefully improving my blood flow with the omega-3, as well as calcium tablets for obvious reasons. And garlic, because I like it. Admittedly I’ve been very bold about doing the exercises I was given for my leg and ankle since I was discharged from hospital. It’s only just occurred to me that this would probably be the most effective way of increasing the blood going to the leg. I’ll have to get back to them, starting today.
For the past week or so I’ve been having dreams relating to my situation. Usually I’m dreaming about something not linked to my injury (at least not perceptibly, but then again I’m no analyst) and I suddenly become aware of the fact that I’m walking unaided, and I turn around to see that I’ve left my crutches leaning against the wall, and I go and collect them, but I’m confident that the leg is all better. However, twice last night I dreamt that I was on my crutches, and for some reason I accidentally put weight on my leg. There was no pain, so I think to myself, ‘Phew, my bone must have set, that was lucky,’ before I looked down saw that the foot was at an odd angle and that the bone is perceptibly pushing up under the skin. Mildly disturbing, although I don’t remember being too upset in the dream. In fact, the second time I remember it didn’t look too bad, so I think I shrugged and thought that it’d probably be alright.
In other news, I’ve had big plans about improving myself while I’m off the leg and hanging around the house. The main thing that I’ve been trying to do is study Japanese, seeing as I decided to buy An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese from a friend in Niseko. I find the book really good, but I’m not sure if I’m only doing well at the moment because I already know a lot of the material covered in each chapter (so far – I’m only at chapter 4) and so I can focus on grammar points, and a few new words, instead of having to learn all the vocab as well as the hiragana and katakana alphabets on top of everything else. We’ll see how I get on as the material gets a little bit more challenging.
I’ve also been trying to learn the kanji (the Chinese characters used in Japanese along with the other two alphabets) which has been tougher, and less stimulating. I’ve been trying to learn them using the Heisig Method But I’ll try to keep it going.
The problem is I’ve always been pretty bad when it comes to sitting down and focusing on one thing, and I manage to find distractions very easily. Been threatening to make a schedule, which, if memory serves I also promised to do when I was doing my Leaving Cert. And possibly for uni as well. Never happened though.
Furthermore, as if I don’t find it easy enough to get distracted already, the long-awaited technology necessary to allow us broadband access has finally made its way to our corner of the country, so while I was one of the first to complain about how slow our connection was before, it kept me off the computer for considerable lengths of time, and the lack of wireless access meant that I couldn’t connect from anywhere in the house. Concentration has become even more of an issue.
If I can at some stage remain focused on this voyage of self improvement, also on the list of things that I want to learn or become some way good at are a few other languages:
- Greek
- Spanish
- Irish
On top of that there are a few other things that I’d be interested in picking up:
- Typing with only my left hand
- Typing with only my right hand
- Meditation
- Not procrastinating (I'm saving that one till last)

Finally I am considering continuing with the blogging, but I'll probably start under a new heading soon enough, as soon I can think of something clever to call it. I still don't like the name of this one.