The Pervert
Yesterday was rather unproductive, as with the exception of my blog posting I got very little done. I had been hoping to see a little bit of the island while I had the chance, but by the time I got going after I got off the internet it was coming up to four, and I wanted to walk back to where I’d been hitching the previous day just to take a look for that blasted ring. No joy, surprise, surprise.
By the time I’d done there, it was almost time to start heading back to the camp to get ready for the gang who were supposedly coming over to watch the sunset (at around seven). It was definitely worth seeing, the whole sky glowed red and orange, and, as the sun continued to dip further behind the neighbouring island, the colours seemed to slowly flow from the east to pool together in the west with a fierce intensity. It was nice.
The girls didn’t show up, but the Irish lad did come along so we had a few cans before strolling off to find some food and a bar, where we got talking to some girls from New Zealand, got into an argument about what the long row of lights dotted along the horizon were - I reckoned they might be fishing boats, as I thought I’d seen some out there earlier on, while one of the girls was adamant that they were marker buoys. We ended up betting on it, and on asking one of the bar staff and trying to decipher his somewhat broken explanation it was decided that I lost, so I paid up and bought her her next G&T. However, while at first he said that they were markers, he also used the word boat, so I wasn’t entirely happy with the result (losing aside).
The girls left, we decided to try and find a nightclub that apparently EVERBODY goes to, and I left to return to my tent at about 04:00, quite tired, it must be said.
At first I thought the area was deserted, but then I made out a figure sitting about ten metres away from my tent. I said hello, he pointed at my tent and enquired if I was staying there, saying that he was a security guy, presumably for the motel further up the beach. I asked if it was alright for me to camp there, and he replied that it was no problem. There was a pause as we both looked out to sea, and he gestured at the lights on the horizon and said simply, ‘fishing boats’.
Anyway, I left him where he was as I was ready to sleep, so I got ready for bed and lay in my tent. I have taken to sleeping with the fly screen closed, but otherwise the tent is open to allow the maximum amount of air circulation, so I could still see him sitting there. A few minutes later however he moved closer, little over a metre from the door of my tent and sat down. I found this a bit odd. I was keeping an eye on him from where I lay, and saw him lie on his side with his back to my door. It took a while for me to understand what I was seeing in the darkness, but then I realised that his pants were pulled down below his ass and he was fondling his buttocks…which was a little bit much. I asked him what he was doing and he mumbled something and stood up, which I expected to be the end of it. But then he just went on from where he stood, still facing away from me. “OK”, I said, “go away now!” and he muttered something else and slowly pulled his pants back up, then walked down to the shore and off along the beach.
I was happy with myself for clearing him, but I wasn’t certain that he wouldn’t double back again either, so I left my tent to see where he’d gone to. No sign of him. But I sat in wait outside my tent just to make sure. Sure enough, he came along again, walking along the tide line. I’m not sure if he spotted me sitting outside and thought I’d changed my mind and wanted a chat and watch him grope himself, but he started making his way back up the beach towards me. Shouting, “Go on, go away, I don’t want you here!” seemed to be enough as he did an about turn and headed back towards the motel. I stayed out a while longer, and did a bit of a patrol of my area, which felt very macho indeed. Eventually I went back to bed and slept the rest of the night undisturbed until the sun started cooking me in my little kiln at 8 this morning.
Now there’s a guy who needs to get himself a webcam, if ever there was one.
For no particular reason I’ve decided to change location for this evening.
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